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things are getting serious for WONK 4

We don’t usually update the site so often but let’s not question it.

Preparations for WONK 4 (sight, vision, seeing, etc, etc) continue whole heartedly. The big news, so far, is that it will feature work from at least one outstanding poet — Marguerite Pigeon, and at least one amazing illustrator — Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst. If you don’t believe me, check out their work for yourself.

There is still room for you in WONK 4. In fact, we encourage it. But we thought you might like to know that you’ll be in very good company.

next issue

WONK 4 is at the door

It seems like we just sent out WONK 3. In fact, we just did. Or, in some cases, we’re about to. Tomorrow. We promise.

But time keeps on slipping (into the future) and so we need to get WONK 4 ready. The theme this month is something like vision, sight, eyes, seeing, etc. Whatever. Loosely, of course. If that doesn’t turn your crank. Well, send something else.

If you would like to submit to WONK. Email us right now.

Now’s the time. Do it. This time for sure.

You’ll feel better.

Or, at least, we will.