
WONK 1 is out and about

from "Mother & Child" by Britanny NelsonWONK 1 is out. It was out on time. One day early actually. Which is amazing. Updating the website, however, was a little late. Which can be expected from time-to-time.

WONK 1 features poems from Michael GravelJonathan BallAlex Boyd and Paul Pearson as well as photography by Robbyn Erickson and a drawing by Brittany Nelson (right). There are also two fantastic pieces by some initialed submitters: AK and AW.

For this issue we chose Gentium Book Basic as our (sole) font of choice. It looked good.

We’ve been dropping off issues in various places around Wetaskiwin and trying to get them into Edmonton at places like Grant MacEwan and Swizzlesticks (soon to be Dandy). If you’d like to receive a copy by mail, please just drop us a line and we’ll try to work something out. We’re still trying to figure out the best way to manage subscriptions (mostly just the cost of mail). If you have any suggestions, we’d love to hear from you.

The theme for WONK 1 was birth (no one ever accused us of being subtle). We weren’t sure about doing theme issues but it seemed to help both with potential contributors and with the final layout. So, we’re going to try and work on a list of upcoming themes to help encourage submissions and to give us some focus. In the end, if we just happen to have a bunch of really good but unrelated content, that’s what we’ll run. No love lost.

AW journal selection from WONK 1

A big (big) thanks to all our contributors. It was overwhelming. Which seems like an overstatement until you realize that it’s not. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to contribute and actually quite a few reasons not to, so it was really cool to see some very well respected names take a chance and throw their hats into the ring. Again, thank you.


WONK is go

Wetaskiwin’s only literary arts sheet is now accepting submissions.

There will be 12 issues. One each month.

We are currently accepting short-fiction, long-fiction, very-long-fiction, extremely-short-fiction, creative non-fiction (any length), poetry, doodles, sketches and photographs. Preferably good. Preferably previously unpublished (please let us know).

Until we get a mailbox setup, WONK can only accept electronic submissions (text: .doc, .rtf, .odt; graphics: .jpg, .gif, .tiff, .eps). In some circumstances (eg. you are submitting an animal or child) we can arrange to pick up the submission at your home.

Submit To WONK

We will not pay you for your submission but we will respond to each submission and, if selected, we will make sure that you get enough copies to make you feel good about yourself. There also may or may not be muffins involved (depending on the prevailing economic climate).

Deadlines for each issue are at the end of the previous month. For example, the cut-off for the September issue is the end of August.

Look for our inaugural issue after September 15 throughout the city.

If you don’t live in Wetaskiwin and would like to subscribe to WONK, or have any other questions, please let us know.

We remain,

The Editors of WONK.