
The Ultimate Guide to Excel DCF Discounted Cash Flow Formula

how to calculate free cash flow

Measuring more frequently, such as on a monthly or even quarterly basis, will give you a much deeper understanding of cash flow to base decisions on. Free cash flow is also a helpful metric because it gives businesses an understanding of where to focus resources to grow the business further. It can serve as a buffer as generated cash can be used strategically to grow the business. Most businesses are still dependent on Excel for cash flow analysis, with very limited features that lead to inaccurate results, a lack of cash visibility, and a lot of manual work. However, with HighRadius’s cash forecasting solution, businesses can easily adapt to Livecube, which is an Excel-like interface but better. We provide advanced cash forecasting capabilities that leverage machine learning and predictive analytics.

Depreciation and Amortization

how to calculate free cash flow

It is money that is on hand and free to use to settle liabilities or obligations. Further enhancing its appeal is Excel’s ability to enable me to conduct sensitivity analyses by adjusting inputs and immediately seeing the impact on results. With Excel, I can model different scenarios with ease, providing a comprehensive view of potential outcomes which aids in making informed investment decisions. As someone who regularly works with financial modeling, I find that the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model is one of the most powerful tools for valuing a business or investment. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a discounted cash flow model in Excel. Investors can use this information to assess the company’s financial stability, growth prospects, and investment opportunities.

How to Calculate Cash Flow with 7 Key Formulas and Examples

Positive FCF enables businesses to pay off debt, reinvest in their operations, and even engage in M&A. By contrast, shrinking FCF might signal that companies are unable to sustain earnings growth. An insufficient FCF for earnings growth can force companies to boost debt levels or not have the liquidity to stay in business.

Unlevered Free Cash Flow Formula

  • Learn about tools, setup processes, and best practices to grow your subscription-based business.
  • It’s essential for me to draw upon historical data, understand industry trends, and consider economic forecasts to improve the accuracy of these projections.
  • In this example, there is a strong divergence between the company’s revenue and earnings figures and its free cash flow.
  • This makes FCF a useful instrument for identifying growing companies with high upfront costs, which may eat into earnings now but have the potential to pay off later.

If FCF + CapEx were still upwardly trending, this scenario could be good for the stock’s value. As a measure of profitability and financial health, free cash flow offers several benefits over other points of analysis. Free cash flow is the money that the company has available to repay its creditors or pay dividends and interest to investors.

Compare FCF trends with industry peers, consider the company’s growth prospects, and assess management’s capital allocation decisions. Ultimately, the method used to generate your free cash flow formula is up to the user, as there are many methods to get to the same answer. The best system to use is the one that gets you to the free cash flow number you want (ie do you want interest added back or not) and uses the information most readily available within the business. Positive FCF is the golden ticket, while negative FCF isn’t necessarily a death sentence. Investors should consider the company’s life stage, industry, and long-term strategy.

  • A cautious investor could examine these figures and conclude that the company may suffer from faltering demand or poor cash management.
  • To calculate FCF from your cash flow statement, you’ll need to identify your operating cash flow and capital expenditure.
  • This provides information on cash generated after investments, offering insights into financial and growth potential.
  • Understanding FCF provides business owners with valuable insights into their cash generation capability, whether they have a surplus or deficit.
  • Some investors prefer to use FCF or FCF per share rather than earnings or earnings per share (EPS) as a measure of profitability.
  • Subtract interest expense and add back tax benefits (if any) to arrive at the adjusted FCF.
  • It represents the sum of money which a firm can distribute to its equity shareholders as dividends.

Ready to Experience the Future of Finance?

how to calculate free cash flow

Since FCF gives an idea about the company’s ability to generate cash, this contributes to increasing the confidence of investors. We can see that Macy’s has $446 million in free cash flow, which can be used to pay dividends, expand operations, and deleverage its balance sheet (in other words, reduce debt). A change in working capital can be caused by inventory fluctuations or by a shift in accounts payable and receivable.

how to calculate free cash flow

  • Ultimately, the method used to generate your free cash flow formula is up to the user, as there are many methods to get to the same answer.
  • For instance, firms with high debt levels may prioritize repayments over shareholder distributions, impacting FCFE.
  • By projecting future FCFE and discounting it at the cost of equity, analysts can assess whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued.
  • So now that you know why free cash flow is an important metric, it’s calculation time.
  • FCF stands for “Free Cash Flow.” It represents the cash generated by a company’s operations after accounting for capital expenditures.

Companies Coffee Shop Accounting with consistently negative FCF may struggle to meet their obligations without new cash in the system, leading to financial distress or bankruptcy. Consider TechNova Inc., a technology company evaluating its FCFE for the fiscal year. TechNova reports a net income of $50 million, reflecting its profitability after expenses and taxes. Depreciation and amortization expenses of $10 million are added back to net income, as they do not involve cash outflows.

how to calculate free cash flow

how to calculate free cash flow

Adjustments for tax shields from interest payments, as allowed under tax regulations, further refine FCFF calculations. Depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges that reduce net income without directly affecting cash flow. These expenses allocate the cost petty cash of tangible and intangible assets over their useful lives. In FCFE calculations, adding back these non-cash charges adjusts for their impact on net income. Companies can use methods like straight-line or accelerated depreciation under the Internal Revenue Code to calculate these expenses, which can shift their timing.

However, a more important metric is Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)², which provides a more accurate picture. HighRadius’ Cash Forecasting Solution helps identify opportunities to optimize working capital by streamlining and optimizing accounts receivable and accounts payable processes. By accelerating receivables collection and optimizing payment terms with suppliers, companies can improve cash conversion cycles, reduce working capital requirements, and enhance free cash flow. FCF is the cash that remains from a company’s operations after subtracting operating expenses and capital expenditures. Understanding FCF provides business owners with valuable insights into their cash generation capability, whether they have a what is cash flow surplus or deficit.


Онлайн казино ️ ТОП 10 за【2024】в България

Например, казината на Efbet и Winbet предлагат най-високите Начални Бонуси за нови клиенти в размер на 200% до 1000 лева. Тоест, тук офертата е такава, че казиното удвоява вашия първи депозит, след като отворите нова сметка. Изискването за превъртане на общата сума депозит + бонус е 35 пъти.

Казино игри в топ казината

Този бонус изисква и сравнително малко на брой превъртания – само 25 пъти трябва да превъртите депозита и бонуса в рамките на 14 дни на казино игри. Със своя модерен и интуитивен дизайн, сайтът предлага лесен достъп до разнообразни забавления и промоции. Допълнителни бонус игри като “Дамите на Палмата” и седмичните “Бинго надпревари” добавят още вълнение. Всеки регистриран потребител може да се наслади на безплатно колело на късмета. Високото ниво на сигурност и клиентска поддръжка гарантират приятна и безопасна игрална среда.

Какво представляват Казино Бонусите в онлайн казината в България?

Нужно е онлайн казиното, в което ще си направите регистрация, да е сигурно и защитено. Играйте разумно и не залагайте суми, които не може да си позволите. Всяко едно от тях разполага с разнообразни игри, методи за депозит и теглене, репутация, бонуси и т.н. Онлайн казината в България преминават през значителна еволюция през последните години, с подобрения в технологиите, предлагането на игри и потребителското изживяване. Пазарът на онлайн хазарт е динамичен и продължава да се развива, предоставяйки на играчите нови и иновативни опции.

  • Малко по-късно с появата на останалите частни компании за хазарт, стартира и издаването на лицензи, както за наземни обекти, така и за онлайн хазарт.
  • Така, дори у дома, можеш да се свържеш с други играчи и да обсъдиш новини от света на казиното.
  • За новопостъпилите има приветстваща оферта, докато редовните играчи влизат в специален клуб с привилегии.
  • Стойността на бонуса в онлайн казино уинбет не е висока – 100% до 200 лева, но поливалентността впечатлява повечето любители на залозите и казиното.
  • Постоянно пуска казино бонус турнири за големи награди, а лоялните клиенти получават безплатни завъртания.
  • Най-масово се търсят заглавия на Amusnet и 7777 Gaming, но работи с още 20+ доставчици.

Как избираме онлайн казината, които ви препоръчваме?

В резултат на тази тенденция, все повече разработчици на казино игри включват онлайн заглавия в своите портфолиа, за да задоволят интересите на играчите. На ние се гордеем с нашите обективни и детайлни ревюта и мнения за различни онлайн казина. Нашата цел е да ви предоставим цялата необходима информация, за да направите информиран избор при игра на казино онлайн. С нашите ревюта вие ще научите за различните казино брандове, техните предимства и недостатъци, бонуси и промоции, както и други ключови характеристики.

Как да спечелим в онлайн казино?

  • По-селектиран избор може да намерите в професионалните гейминг платформи.
  • Играчите могат да взаимодействат с истински дилъри и други играчи в реално време.
  • Платформата е сигурна, лицензирана и разполага с добра поддръжка на клиенти, което я прави подходящ избор както за начинаещи, така и за опитни играчи.
  • Кено е лотарийна игра, в която играчите избират числа от определен диапазон, а след това се теглят случайни числа, за да се определи печелившата комбинация.
  • Уверете се, че игрите са оптимизирани за мобилни устройства и предлагат добро потребителско изживяване.
  • И това не означава непеременно нещо лошо, но експетите на Бетенеми смятат, че преди всичко друго, най-важното е едно казино да бъде честно, справедливо, безопасно и безпристрастно.
  • Повечето онлайн сайтове за България предлагат селекцията си от игри както и на своя десктоп сайт така и в оптимизираните си мобилни версии.

Наземните казино зали предлагат истинска тръпка при поставянето на залог. Разнообразието от казино игри, както и големите бонуси са предимства пред наземните казино зали, които не могат да бъдат пренебрегнати. Изборът от игри на свретовноизвестни казино провайдъри, както и казиното на живо са все неща, които не можем да намерим другаде.

Те създават общности в социалните мрежи, където играчите могат да споделят опит, стратегии и последни трендове. Така, дори у дома, можеш да се свържеш с други играчи и да обсъдиш новини от света на казиното. Поддръжката на клиенти е важен аспект на всяко онлайн казино, защото осигурява спокойствие и доверие на играчите. Когато възникнат въпроси или проблеми, е от съществено значение да знаете как бързо и ефективно да получите помощ.

Magic Bet може да не е идеалният избор за:

Плюс това, операторите не спират да търсят възможности да си партнират с все повече разработчици на софтуер, които да увеличат качеството на игрите, предлагани на техния сайт. В Winbet палмсбет Казино и Палмс Бет bg kazino например минималният депозит с банка е 10 лева, което е супер, но какво да кажем за минималния депозит в Бет365 Казино – 200 лева! Имайте предвид, че при използване на банков превод всяко онлайн казино е упоменало в сайта си данни, които да впишете при транзакцията. В Секция онлайн казино на живо игрите пристигат от Evolution Gaming, като са разделени на обичайните групи – рулетка, блекджек, бакара и сик бо, покер и развлекателни игри. Прави хубаво впечатление огромното разнообразие и брой маси както за рулетка, така и за блекджек и дори за бакара. Моето мнение, а и вероятно на мнозина от вас, е, че тази секция е №1 на пазара (като изключим, разбира се Покерстарс, който е профилиран сайт за покер).

Bwin може да не е идеалният избор за:

Мобилните бг онлайн казина имат много плюсове, които със сигурност взимат превес на няколкото недостатъци, свързани с тях. Разгледайте списъците с преимуществата и недостатъците на двете, разгледани по-долу. Има много добри онлайн казина, които притежават български лиценз и бих ви препоръчал да играете в тях. Разбира се, че и мобилната версия върши работа и може да играете на ротативки, рулетка и още всевъзможни казино игри онлайн, но ви уверявам, че не е същото. И тези от вас, които ползват мобилно приложение биха го потвърдили. Голяма част от игрите са част от прогресивни джакпоти, които освен печалби, носят и безплатни врътки под формата на бонуси.

Проверяваме дали е наличен чат на живо, което е силно търсена опция и всяко модерно и добро онлайн казино би трябвало да я предоставя. Освен това преглеждаме дали служителите са отзивчиви и дали бързо и съвестно връщат отговор, а също и как се справят с решаването на проблемите. Затова първо проверяваме дали конкретното онлайн казино има валиден лиценз. Също така е хубаво да проверим кои са регулаторните органи, които следят под мониторинг даденото казино. Най-добрите казина гарантират справедливостта на своите игри, като използват трети страни за независим одит.

Срещат се варианти за игра на покер с 3 карти, Карибски покер, Тексас Холд’ем и много други. Важно е да се запознаете с правилата на всеки от тях, преди да стартирате своята игра. Baccarat е друг тип казино игра, която може да видите със собствена категория по сайтовете. При бакарата вариантите за игра също включват виртуална игра срещу компютъра и генератора на случайни числа, както и вариант с дилър на живо.


Minnesota’s Housing Standards for Sober Living Homes: Key Takeaways

This includes maintaining appropriate boundaries, refraining from disruptive behavior, and constructively resolving conflicts. Residents are expected to attend house meetings, which provide an opportunity for open communication, support, and addressing any concerns or issues within the home. It is our mission to provide individuals with the education, tools, and support they need to attain a life lived to its fullest potential. We envision a world where addiction is powerless against strong families and communities founded on empathy, connection, and knowledge. Specific nuances of each rule depend on the sober living home or manager. As you’re searching for the environment that’s right for you, ask each potential recovery home what their rules are.

  • Residents are usually required to pay rent and any other financial contributions.
  • Residents in a sober living house gain immensely from structured accountability as it fosters a sense of responsibility, reinforces sobriety, and prepares them for independent living.
  • It acts as a bridge between inpatient treatment and independent living, helping maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.
  • Residents may receive verbal warnings for minor infractions, while repeated or serious violations can lead to probation, mandatory counseling, or community service.
  • Sober living home regulations don’t have to be complicated, as residents don’t want to feel like a drill sergeant trying to manage them.

Sober living houses can foster peer encouragement, camaraderie, character development, and accountability in residents. The outcomes of living in such an environment can include positive health, behavioral, and relationship changes. Going back home after treatment can be tough if it’s full of temptations. Sober living homes provide a safe, trigger-free space so residents can stay focused on their recovery. Halfway houses often help individuals transitioning from incarceration. While some may include a focus on substance abuse recovery, they aren’t always specifically designed for that purpose.

To keep residents safe, all successful sober homes have rules and regulations that you’re required to follow. While rules may vary, we’re going to discuss the general guidelines most homes require. To succeed in your recovery, it’s important that you abide by them. For instance, while rehab facilities have structured schedules and might require a certain level of addiction severity for admission, sober living homes offer more autonomy. Minnesota does not issue a specific license for “sober living homes.” Instead, these facilities typically fall under the category of “board and lodging” establishments and are subject to the state’s general housing regulations. Our mission is to foster long-term sobriety by creating a supportive environment where house members participate in each other’s recovery.

They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. Access to low threshold housing is the foundation for stable recovery that allows people to continue to improve in other areas of social needs. Luxury sober living homes, on the other hand, offer a higher standard of living with enhanced amenities that can include private rooms, gourmet meals prepared by professional chefs, and beautifully landscaped grounds.

Sober Living Home Rules for Success & Sobriety

Applicantsare not allowed to self-attest to compliance in lieu of this inspection. (b) May provide activities that aredirected primarily toward recovery from substance use disorders. “Assistance or activitydirected toward recovery from any substance use disorder” includes asupervised, monitored or peer-led environment directed toward recoveryfrom any substance use disorder.

Find support near you.

rules for sober living homes

This connection sober house will help you transition carefully without sliding back to your former life due to loneliness and lack of support in the real world. Residents are typically assigned household chores and responsibilities to cultivate a sense of ownership, teamwork, and accountability. These tasks help individuals develop valuable life skills and contribute to the cleanliness and overall well-being of the home. Sober Living Homes have curfew hours to ensure residents adhere to a structured lifestyle, promoting healthy sleep patterns and responsible time management. Through set schedules, residents develop better habits and regain a sense of purpose.

Group activities and 12-step meetings

In this article, we’ll break down what sober living homes are and highlight the many ways they help those dedicated to living addiction-free. For the purposes of this paragraph,”secure system” means a system that complies with the informationtechnology security policy approved by the department of public safety. The number of enforcement actionstaken by the department against unlicensed sober living homes each year. Thenumber of enforcement actions taken by the department takes against licensed sober living homes annually each year. The number of complaints againstlicensed sober living homes investigated by the department or its third-partycontractor each year.

Moreover, when conflicts arise, resolving them through mediated discussions can reaffirm the values of respect and understanding within the community. These measures not only protect the recovering individual but also maintain the integrity of the sober living environment for all residents. Sober living environment house rules are the cornerstone of a successful sober living environment. They ensure that all residents adhere to the standards necessary to maintain a safe, respectful, and supportive community.

Understanding the Structure and Rules of Sober Living Homes

rules for sober living homes

For those ready to embark on or continue their recovery journey, Finding sober homes near your location is an invaluable tool provided by Top Sober House. With options across all 50 states, the directory makes it simple to find a sober living home that meets individual needs and preferences. Moreover, Top Sober House offers a wealth of resources- from listings to expert insights- to ease the transition into sober living. Whether you are stepping down from an intensive treatment program or seeking to strengthen your recovery in a supportive community, Top Sober House is there to guide you.

Sober Living Environment House Rules

It also prepares residents for the eventual transition to living independently, where managing expenses is a vital part of daily life. Respecting this rule is critical for all residents, as the presence of substances can compromise the recovery of everyone in the house. It creates a unified standard that everyone, regardless of their stage in the recovery process, must adhere to. Violation of this rule often results in immediate eviction to protect the well-being and well-being of other residents. Human recovery capital includes the individual’s unique knowledge, training, or education, and lived experience, sense of personal choice social integration, and connection to purpose. Physical recovery capital includes safe housing, reliable transportation, or access to healthy food.

The first step to recovery is to emphasize that our lives were miserable, the addition was tough to bear, but we are ready to change everything to have our freedom back. Sober living homes are often built in calm residential communities, which facilitates recovery. They have comfortable common areas like living rooms, kitchens, and dining areas. The core principles set by the National Association For Recovery Residences (NARR) are followed by individual standards that establish the minimum criteria for certification. Depending on the residence level, meeting each of the 31 standards across the 10 principles is required for certification.

Where you live after completing a treatment program for substance use disorder can be an instrumental step in supporting your recovery. Our knowledgeable admissions navigators can answer your questions about treatment and recovery and help you take the first steps in your sobriety journey. According to the National Library of Medicine, sober houses are a tool to help those who are sober but need time to adjust to sober living. Like many other types of rehab and care facilities, sober houses have rules.

Providesa supervised setting to a group of unrelated individuals who are recoveringfrom substance use disorders. Referring patients or clients to or from a soberliving home or a substance use disorder treatment facility. The final principle of empowerment comprises the importance of skill building and for residents to feel affirmed in their choices for their recovery. Assisting residents in increasing their mastery of recovery-oriented behaviors can promote their long-term recovery journey.


Что такое RBA испаритель? Вейпопедия

RDA – модернизируемый капающий атомайзер, или просто дрипка. Для него характерно то, что спираль с ватой находятся прямо в испарительной камере. По сути всё устройство – это и есть испарительная камера. В 95 % случаев дрипка представляет из себя базу со стойками куда и непосредственно крепится спираль. Ванночка хоть и служит небольшим резервуаром для жидкости, но объем ванночек очень мал.

Ведь если размеры базы растут, они просто обязаны сделать огромный обдув, из-за чего возможность правильного MTL в таких вариантах попросту умирает. Также немалую роль играет и размер устройств, для которых можно реализовать такую систему. Чтобы вы понимали, самым маленьким обладателем подобной базы на моей памяти является Jester Pod, который в целом трудно назвать компактным.

Обзор Intake Dual RTA от Augvape

Сейчас мы кратко пробежимся по каждому из видов обслуживаемых баз, приведём примеры устройств с подобными возможностями, а также выделим их сильные и слабые стороны. Благодаря этому вы сможете понять, какой тип базы подойдёт именно вам, а это поможет определиться с выбором конкретного устройства. Как правило RBA базы дают вкус хуже, чем сменные испарители на том же баке, и хуже чем полноценный обслуживаемый бак. Особняком стоящая группа баков для вейпа, споры о принадлежности которой не утихают постоянно. Вроде бы уже не дрипка, поскольку имеет резервуар для жидкости.

Расшифровка RDA

Ванночка хоть и служит небольшим резервуаром для жидкости, но  ее объем зачатую очень мал. Положительным моментом в RDA является замечательная вкусопередача жидкости, а так же неограниченные возможности по намоткам спирали. Можно делать любые койлы, исходя из возможностей мощности и конструкции обдува. Мы уже рассматривали преимущества принципы правильной работы с памм счетом обслуживаемых девайсов перед необслуживаемыми в одной из прошлых статей —  Почему?

A — Atomizer

Вата же кладется вниз, но не в ванночку, а в отверстия, которые биржевой стакан это ведут в бак. В процессе работы, жидкость поднимается по вате из резервуара и попадает на спираль. Чтобы увидеть спираль и получить доступ к базе, пользователю достаточно сдернуть купол.

  • РБА базы позволяют вейперам получать максимальный контроль над качеством и вкусом пара.
  • Отличный вариант для тех кто хочет крутой вкус и вместе с тем хорошую автономность.
  • Помимо этого простота конструкций дрипки позволяет реализовать в ней более грамотный обдув, который играет ключевую роль в процессе испарения жидкости с ваты.
  • RTA, RDA, RDTA – все эти типы имеют одну задачу – генерировать пар.
  • Котает позволяет увеличить площадь нагрева и плотность пара, что создает более интенсивный вкус и облака пара.

RBK для картриджа Uwell Caliburn A2, Voopoo ITO Pod (Doric)

В этот же раз мы с вами поговорим именно о возможных типах обслуживаемых баз для Pod-систем и AIO-устройств. И постараемся подобрать что-то подходящее именно для вас. Одна из разновидностей бакодрипок – RDTA с тугой сигаретной затяжкой. В отличие от своих более производительных версий, такой тип атомайзера практически не течет, а под куполом достаточно места, чтобы инженеры могли разгуляться по полной. Если же пользователь предпочитает парить много, когда есть запрос на резервуар, то простые баки полностью удовлетворяют потребность. Как правило они оптимизированы под относительно небольшой расход, резервуар чуть больше, чем у RDTA, заправка удобнее.

А курс конвертации валют у поставщиков бьёт все рекорды мыслимого и немыслимого. Не мудрено, что в таких условиях зародился немалый дефицит, из-за которого и начали страдать пользователи множества простых необслуживаемых устройств в нашей стране. Цены на картриджи и испарители выросли в 1,5-2 раза, отдельные их виды пропали с полок.

Преимущество в том, что вы будете испытывать меньше ограничений воздушного потока, так как атомайзеры “RDA” имеют более открытую подачу воздуха. Не стоит путать обслуживаемые базы с обслуживаемыми атомайзерами, представляющими из себя единую конструкцию, без возможности использования в ней необслуживаемых расходников. Также к обслуживаемым базам нельзя отнести и обслуживаемые испарители, в которых можно менять только вату или «сеточные заготовки» испарительного элемента. Обслуживаемая база — это именно универсальное устройство, способное работать с любыми помещающимися туда спиралями и типами ваты, а не с чем-то подходящим конкретно для этой модели.

RDA, RTA, RBA, RDTA и GTA – в чем разница?

Этот тип означает что спираль атомайзера можно переделать. Если честно, то любую спираль можно переделать, даже испарители в Ego-шках можно перемотать. В данном случае такие атомайзеры подразумевают манипуляции с намотками, чтобы в них можно было регулировать сопротивления и все, вытекающие из этого, прелести.?

RBA, Rebuildable Atomizer

Но еще и не бак, поскольку испарительная камера совмещена с куполом и дриптипом. Очень популярны в последнее время — ведь можно экспериментировать с любыми намотками, в том числе сабомными, а запас жидкости позволяет получить высокую автономность. R ( Rebuildable ) – то есть тот, который можно модернизировать или united traders брокер – обзор переделывать.

Она служит небольшим резервуаром для жидкости, которую постоянно нужно будет подкапывать. На все это сверху одевается купол, через который происходит парение. Данная категория баз является уже куда более интересным и независимым решением. Зачем делать базу в формате испарителя, если её можно выпустить в формате более крупного и осязаемого картриджа? Такой вопрос производителей и подарил нам столь интересный вид баз, свойственный исключительно pod-системам и AIO-устройствам. Из плюсов такого варианта я могу отметить куда более комфортные габариты самой обслуживаемой части расходника, которые обычно радуют своей «свободой».

  • К выбору устройств под подобные базы нужно подходить с осторожностью.
  • “RBA” является аббревиатурой “rebuildable atomizer” – это обслуживаемый атомайзер, “RDA” является аббревиатурой “rebuildable dripping atomizer” – дрип атомайзер.
  • Ванночка хоть и служит небольшим резервуаром для жидкости, но объем ванночек очень мал.
  • Это крайне плохой конструктив, который практически невозможно использовать.
  • Ведь совмещая вкусовые качества RDA и удобства RTA, получается устройство заменяющее их.

Он есть уже очень давно, и имя ему — обслуживаемые базы, которые в последнее время снова начинают обретать безумную популярность. Для незнающих людей очень сложно разобраться с многообразием понятий в мире вейпинга. На первый взгляд все сложно, попробуем в них разобраться. Всего их шесть, это RBA, RTA, RDA, RDTA, MTL, GTA хорошо что больше ни чего не придумали. Сначала разберем, что означает каждая буква по отдельности, а потом и все слова.

В данном случае, даже новичку будет достаточно легко «подружиться» с процессом установки спирали. Также большинство из таких баз можно обслуживать и прожигать прямо на вашем устройстве, благодаря чему вы не будете привязаны к 510-му коннектору. Как вы знаете, в последнее время российский рынок вейпинга находится в крайне сложной ситуации. Из-за всем известной трагедии и её последствий для экономики стран СНГ  многие каналы поставок железа и расходников (картриджей и испарителей) попросту обрываются.

Рекомендуется провести несколько тестовых затяжек и корректировать настройки обдува до достижения желаемого результата. Расположение спиралей на РБА базе также играет важную роль в процессе вейпинга. Неправильное расположение спиралей может привести к неравномерному нагреванию, утечке жидкости и другим проблемам. Рекомендуется изучить инструкцию по сборке РБА базы или обратиться к опытным пользователям, чтобы выбрать оптимальное расположение спиралей. Койлбилды (от англ. coil builds) – это наиболее популярные варианты РБА баз, которые используются в вейпинге. Они состоят из одной или нескольких спиралей намотанных из нихромовой или канталовой проволоки.


How to Mine BCN

how to mine bytecoin

To mine DOGE, first ensure you have a wallet to store your earnings. You can download the Dogecoin core wallet or look on the website for other suitable online wallets. When mining using your CPU, the software that works best is CPU miner. AMD and Nvidia cards are your best bet (see below for details on building mining rigs). If you decide on GPU mining, then the software you should use is either the cgminer or cudaminer.

  1. If you are considering using GPU for mining, a software called XMRIG is mainly used by BCN miners.
  2. The reason for the price differential is all about performance.
  3. Once mined, exchanges that trade Bitcoin Gold include Binance, BitfinexHitBTC and Huobi Global.
  4. Bytecoin is a CPU-mined currency, which is why it is very attractive to people.
  5. No one will know the wallet address from where the coins came from.

Forming an LLC can be beneficial to cryptocurrency miners, but it typically won’t save you any money on taxes. If you make over $100,000 per year from crypto mining, you might consider forming an LLC and using an S-corp election to save on taxes. Enterprise-ready solutions based on Bytecoin blockchain technology is your chance to start the safest business cooperation.

It is the value of a cryptographic one-way function of the secret key, so in math terms it is actually an image of this key. One-wayness means that given only the key image it is impossible to recover the private key. On the other hand, it is computationally impossible to find a collision (two different private keys, which have the same image). Using any formula, except for the specified one, will result in an unverifiable signature.

If everyone continues joining the largest pool, it will eventually grow to control more than 51% of the network hashing power, leaving the network vulnerable to double spending. I don’t want to go into too much detail here because there are so many different payment schemes, but you’ll want to find out more about the benefits and disadvantages of each. If it’s too high you could be waiting weeks to receive any coins from your mining efforts. We tend to think of this as Monero, since it is the most popular, but Bytecoin actually was released much sooner than Monero. Bytecoin is interesting because it has an enormous total supply at 184,470,000,000 coins. This is not the end for the Pi Zero however, there are other coins and other uses.

how to mine bytecoin

You can solo mine, but the payouts could take months depending on how powerful your mining rig is, and the mining pools usually charge a very small fee (1% or less). Using a pool will allow you to receive consistent payouts, multiple times per day. It has a Proof of Work cryptocurrency dubbed “BCN” that’s the gas that powers the Bytecoin ecosystem.

Is crypto mining hard?

Yes. Anyone can mine Bitcoin. However, as the difficulty of mining Bitcoin is high due to competition, you'll need dedicated equipment, including a high-performance mining rig. These cost several thousand dollars, and this cost is often a barrier to entry for those interested in mining Bitcoin.

current community

I found that at least for the CPU, the program usually generates the best possible configuration settings automatically. The comments in the cpu.txt do a great job of explaining each setting, and how you could try to get more performance out of your machine. They support most of the Cryptonight coins, so you can just type the name of the coin, from the list in the txt file. If the coin you want to mine is not on the list, you need to know what algorithm it uses, and use the algorithm name for the currency.

How To Mine Bytecoin

Although miners split the reward after mining a block, pool mining is extra worthwhile than solo mining. Crypto mining is a web-based course of which involves solving advanced mathematical puzzles. To achieve this, you need to have powerful Bytecoin hardware, because it’s a trial and error process. Higher hash rate (number of calculations) lets you clear up them faster and ensures better chances of receiving a reward. As we already mentioned, the easiest way to mine Bytecoin is utilizing ASICs. Bytecoin is among the greatest cash to choose if you want to mine cryptocurrencies.

How to Mine BCN: Our Top 5 Recommendations

You will then be presented with a series of steps that will guide you through the first time initialization of the software. Once you have completed this, you will not need to do this again. In this little experiment, we will see if mining on a Pi Zero is possible or practical. For this example I am using a Pi Zero W running Raspbin Lite. If you are not familiar with the Pi Zero W, it’s a super tiny variation of the Raspberry Pi with a single-core ARM1176JZF-S CPU rated at 1.0 how to mine bytecoin GHz. The ‘W’ version comes with wifi support which I recommend since none of the Zeros come with Ethernet support.

Is it illegal to mine for Bitcoin?

Bitcoin mining is legal in most countries, but several jurisdictions have already banned it. China, one of the world's largest economies, outlawed bitcoin mining in 2021, and the nation's government has also prohibited all cryptocurrency transactions.

The reliability of Bytecoin is defined by the total computational power of all the computers that take part in the processing of transactions. The greater the processing power, the more reliable the network. Bytecoin emission is completely different to that of fiat currencies, as that is a closed process. Bytecoin emission, on the contrary, is open and uses computing power from all the network members. Any user can join the network and help to emit Bytecoin, which in turn makes them miners. Please make sure the pool is not already in the BCN mining pools list.

  1. Some popular BCN mining pool you can consider joining is, Miner gate, and bytecoin-pool.
  2. The miners are the main contributors in the network’s health as they are the most rational users on the chain.
  3. The emission of fiat currencies is a closed process where an issuer is engaging in its own capabilities.
  4. Some popular ASICs are Bitmain – Antminer X3, Antiminer S19 Pro, Halong Mining – DragonMint X1, and AVALOminer 1245.
  5. You can trade Vertcoin rewards on Coinex, Bittrex, SouthXchange, and Finexbox.

You can mine Ethereum using GPUs such as ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 3090 and ASUS ROG Strix AMD Radeon RX 5700XT. They dont require special adjustment and can be used globally. The main reason miners search for the easiest coin to mine 2023 is because crypto mining is now more difficult than it was a few years ago. Bitcoin mining, for example, becomes two times harder every four years.


It’s up to you weather to use Bytecoin out-of-the-box or modify its code to fit your own requirements. Playing around with Bytecoin features is a great experience. The Bytecoin wallet is now open and syncing to the blockchain for the first time.

how to mine bytecoin

To create a permanent address, navigate to the receive tab on the main dashboard of the software. You can create a new address and set it to never expire to use it for the mining set-up. Once mined, exchanges that trade Beam include Binance and Bitforex. The Digital Asset Mining Energy (DAME) tax was a proposed excise tax that was included in President Biden’s 2024 federal budget proposal. This tax on cryptocurrency miners would amount to up to 30% of miners’ electricity costs.

How to get 1 BTC in a day?

Earning 1 Bitcoin per day without any investment is possible, but it requires time, effort, and dedication. By leveraging methods such as mining, faucets, affiliate marketing, freelancing, airdrops, and bounties, you can achieve your goal of accumulating 1 Bitcoin per day.


Hokkaido to introduce lodging tax of up to 500 yen a night from 2026


Trains through the tunnel, ferries, and airliners are the only means of reaching Hokkaido. The only way to enter Hokkaido by car is to ship it across on one of the many car ferries. Alone among the main Japanese islands Hokkaido is not divided into multiple prefectures.

  1. For a more immersive experience, Shiretoko offers activities like walking on the ice floes in a dry suit, swimming in nearby waters or even ice diving beneath the ice.
  2. ​For and Hillion Mall, prices are inclusive of GST and no service charge.
  3. The current name Hokkaido was only given following the Meiji Restoration in 1869.
  4. Many Japanese maps (including the generally excellent Japan Road Atlas) show Hokkaido with a larger scale than the rest of the country, which may make distances appear deceptively small.

Much of Hokkaido is wild and unspoiled, with natural hot springs, volcanic lakes and unforgettable experiences. Explore the culture and traditions of the indigenous Ainu people at Lake Akan, and journey to the Shiretoko Peninsula to see free-roaming brown bears, foxes and deer. We have two distinctly different and yet similar style of restaurants. We have the Hokkaido Ramen & Sushi Bar and the Hokkaido Ramen House.

The tunnel carries a rail line between Hakodate on Hokkaido and Aomori on Honshu. Area island, 30,107 square miles (77,978 square km); province, 32,221 square miles (83,453 square km). It is bordered by the Sea of Japan (East Sea) to the west, the Sea of Okhotsk to the north, hokkaidu and the Pacific Ocean to the east and south. Together with a few small adjacent islands, it constitutes a dō (province) of Japan.

  1. Much of Hokkaido’s population lives by the sea, and consequently seafood figures heavily in Hokkaido fare.
  2. Sapporo, Hokkaido’s main city, famous for Sapporo beer, Sapporo ramen and the annual Sapporo Snow Festival.
  3. The Hokkaidō Bureau (北海道局, Hokkaidō-kyoku) and the Hokkaidō Regional Development Bureau (北海道開発局, Hokkaidō Kaihatsukyoku) of the ministry still have a strong influence on public construction projects in Hokkaidō.
  4. The Seikan Tunnel, the world’s second longest rail tunnel, is the only land link that Hokkaido has to Japan’s main island of Honshu.
  5. We are sure you will enjoy it as much as we do, but be warned the food and atmosphere is addicting.
  6. There are more brown bears in Hokkaidō than anywhere else in Asia besides Russia.


Hokkaido’s harsh winters pair perfectly with a warm soak in its hot springs, formed by the island’s many volcanoes. As the temperature drops, take advantage of outdoor hot springs to enjoy the contrast of crisp air against steaming waters. Hokkaido’s ski resorts are world-renowned for their perfect powder snow, thanks to Siberian winds sweeping over the Sea of Japan. This dry, fluffy snow results in meters of annual snowfall in major ski areas. Hokkaido’s other major attractions are flower gardens, high-quality agriculture and seafood, hot springs, and powder skiing. JR Hokkaido offers a special JR Hokkaido Pass 2, which allows the bearer to ride all JR trains in Hokkaido, as well as some JR buses.


The governmental jurisdiction of Hokkaidō incorporates several smaller islands, including Rishiri, Okushiri Island, and Rebun. (By Japanese reckoning, Hokkaidō also incorporates several of the Kuril Islands.) Hokkaidō Prefecture is the largest and northernmost Japanese prefecture. But a more peculiar reason is the real impetus behind this recent rise in northern food festivals. It’s that customers who come to Hokkaido food fairs also tend to buy other things at the department store and not only that, but these customers also tend to buy higher-end goods than visitors for other events.

How cold is Hokkaido in winter?

In the 2017 election, candidates from the governing coalition of Liberal Democrats and Kōmeitō won seven districts and the main opposition Constitutional Democrats five. For the proportional election segment, Hokkaidō and Tokyo are the only two prefectures that form a regional “block” district of their own. The Hokkaido proportional representation block elects eight Representatives. In 2017, the Liberal Democratic Party received 28.8% of the proportional vote and won three seats, the Constitutional Democratic Party won three (26.4% of the vote), one seat each went to Kibō no Tō (12.3%) and Kōmeitō (11.0%). The Japanese Communist Party, who won a seat in 2014, lost their seat in 2017 while receiving 8.5% of the votes. The current governor of Hokkaido is Naomichi Suzuki.81 He won the governorship in the gubernatorial election in 2019 as an independent.

From here, you can easily explore winter festivals like the famous Sapporo Snow Festival and enjoy nearby ski resorts such as Teine and Furano. In winter, Hokkaido experiences some of Japan’s most extreme temperatures that can drop as low as -11°C, particularly in areas like Rikubetsu. In Sapporo, average daily temperatures typically range from -3°C to -10°C, with nighttime temperatures often plummeting well below freezing and snowfall becoming frequent. Officially, the winter season in Hokkaido spans from mid-December to mid-February, although the first snowfall can happen as early as November and last until March. In fact, as one of Japan’s yukiguni — snow countries — Hokkaido spends a significant portion of the year shrouded in snow.

How to get around Hokkaido in winter

Many turboprop flights operate out of the tiny Okadama Airport in central Sapporo. Hokkaido is cooler than the rest of Japan, and the merciful lack of Japan’s muggy summers and rainy season makes it a very popular domestic destination between May and August. Some of Hokkaido’s inland areas have a continental climate, with large daily and yearly temperature variation. In winter, the same snow that makes the island a ski haven can also mean dangerous driving conditions, and speed limits drop even lower. Winter tires are mandatory from November onwards (rental cars should be fitted with these already, but it doesn’t hurt to ask).

Jozankei Onsen Snow Light Path

Note that local bus schedules can be very sparse, so check them carefully to avoid being stranded. The train network in Hokkaido is (by Japanese standards) limited, although it’s more than adequate for travel between major cities. However, access to many of the more interesting sites, such as Hokkaido’s many national parks, will require either relying on infrequent and expensive buses, renting your own car, or trying your luck at hitchhiking. Hokkaido was particularly hard hit by the end of the Bubble in the late 1980s, with the collapse of local lender Takushoku Bank taking down many local businesses. Add in marginal agricultural land and increasingly unprofitable mining and industry, and the result is long-term population decline, especially in rural areas.


Hokkaido has the worst fatality rate for traffic accidents in Japan. Hokkaido is one of Japan’s most spread-out areas, well known for its wide-open roads. Locals drive at least 20 km/h over the posted limits in many areas. It’s not unusual to see cars traveling at over 100 km/h on regular highways (the posted limit is 60 km/h).

While loosely ruled by Japanese feudal lords since the 1500s, direct Japanese control was limited to the Oshima Peninsula around Hakodate. Mass migration from mainland Japan began only after the Meiji Restoration in 1869, with the Hokkaidō Development Commission (開拓使 Kaitakushi) created to settle the island and exploit its resources. As part of the settler colonial policy implemented by the Meiji government, the Ainu were dispossessed of their land and forced to assimilate into Japanese culture. During the winter, passage through the Sea of Okhotsk is often complicated by large floes of drift ice. Combined with high winds that occur during winter, this frequently brings air travel and maritime activity to a halt beyond the northern coast of Hokkaidō. Ports on the open Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan are generally ice-free year round, though most rivers freeze during the winter.


“Cztery strony prasy” z nowym dniem emisji

“Cztery strony mediów Kutyny” będzie można oglądać w soboty o 9.55, czyli w tym samym paśmie, w którym emitowano “Cztery strony prasy”. Do końca zeszłego roku Polsat News nadawał program “Cztery strony prasy”, prowadzony głównie przez Joannę Wrześniewską-Sieger. Gościli w nim dziennikarze prasowi, ale pojawiali się tam też przedstawiciele portali czy stacji radiowych.

Według danych CPJ na początku grudnia 2024 roku w więzieniach przebywało 361 dziennikarzy. Połowa z nich była więziona w Chinach, Izraelu i na okupowanych terytoriach palestyńskich, w Birmie, na Białorusi i w Rosji. Większość uwięzionych dziennikarzy jest oskarżona o działalność antypaństwową. – W ubiegłym roku liczba ofiar śmiertelnych wzrosła o 22 proc., głównie z powodu wojny w Strefie Gazy. 85 dziennikarzy i pracowników mediów zabitych w 2024 roku zginęło tutaj – wyjaśnia Jodie Ginsberg.

W tym samym miesiącu zeszłego roku było to 0,83 proc. Udział w rynku Polsat News wyniósł 1,32 proc. Wówczas trwała kampania parlamentarna i ogłoszono wyniki wyborów, co miało wpływ na udziały stacji newsowych. W kolejnych miesiącach Wydarzenia 24 poprawiły zasięg naziemny, przenosząc się z MUX-4 na MUX-1. Iwona Kutyna z Polsat News jest związana od grudnia.

Ochrona polityczna dziennikarzy maleje na całym świecie, a liczba doniesień o groźbach wobec nich stale rośnie. Prowadzi to do tego, że dziennikarze sami się cenzurują lub nie zgłaszają ani nie badają tematów będących przedmiotem zainteresowania opinii publicznej. – Nie ma jednoznacznej i prostej definicji pojęcia wolności prasy. W rzeczywistości idea ta jest dość kontrowersyjna – wyjaśnia John Steel z Wydziału Dziennikarstwa na Uniwersytecie w Derby w Wielkiej Brytanii. – Historycznie rzecz biorąc, chodzi o danie społeczeństwu głosu, uzyskanie dostępu do systemów władzy i zapewnienie społeczeństwu dostępu do procesów decyzyjnych w demokracjach. – To nie będzie publicystyka na zasadzie, że ktoś będzie mówił przez 20 minut.

– Dziennikarze w strefach konfliktu są cywilami, a nie legalnymi celami. Bardzo ważne jest, aby strony konfliktu to uznały, a kraje, które są zaangażowane w wolność prasy, pociągały inne kraje do odpowiedzialności za brak odpowiedniej ochrony dziennikarzy – podkreśla. Nawet niewielka poprawa w zakresie wolności prasy jest zatem trudna do zauważenia. W nowym programie Iwona Kutyna zaprosi dziennikarzy i publicystów do omawiania najważniejszych wydarzeń tygodnia. „Salon prasowy Kutyny” ma być dziennikarskim komentarzem tego, czym żyje scena polityczna w Polsce.

W styczniu na antenie Polsat News zadebiutuje nowy program publicystyczny pt. W programie “Cztery strony prasy” Joanna Wrześniewska-Sieger rozmawia z dziennikarzami tytułów prasowych i internetowych, podsumowując wydarzenia tygodnia. Początkowo cykl funkcjonował pod wstępnymi tytułami “Cztery strony prasy Kutyny” i “Salon prasowy Kutyny”. Ostatecznie stacja zdecydowała się na “Cztery strony mediów Kutyny”. Ma on podkreślać szersze podejście do komentowania wydarzeń tygodnia przez dziennikarzy – nie tylko tych prasowych, ale też innych mediów. „Cztery strony prasy” to autorski program Joanny Wrześniewskiej-Sieger, w której dziennikarze i publicyści rozmawiają o wydarzeniach politycznych mijającego tygodnia.

Ostatnio Polsat News zaczął wprowadzać do nazw programów nazwiska prowadzących, np. “Debata dnia” Agnieszki Gozdyry zmieniła nazwę na “Debata Gozdyry”, a “Punkt widzenia” Grzegorza Jankowskiego na “Punkt widzenia Jankowskiego”.

Będą pojawiali się goście w postaci ekspertów omawiających najważniejsze problemy i wydarzenia. Politycy będą obecni jedynie przy okazji „setek” czy wypowiedzi z innych programów z całego dnia – mówił kilka dni temu Gugała. W sobotę na antenie Polsat News zadebiutuje program “Cztery strony mediów Kutyny”, prowadzony przez Iwonę Kutynę. Jak informował portal Wirtualne Media, Gugała przestanie też pojawiać się w “Wydarzeniach wieczornych”. Otrzyma za to nowy program, emitowany w dni powszednie o Forex Broker FX Primus – Ocena 2022, informacje, recenzje klientów 20 w Wydarzeniach 24.

Musi być naprawdę dobrze wdrożona w terenie, ponieważ dziennikarze potrzebują silnych instytucji – podkreśla aktywistka z Europejskiego Centrum Wolności Prasy i Mediów (ECPMF). Ryzyko jest szczególnie wysokie dla dziennikarzy relacjonujących z regionów objętych konfliktami. Według danych Komitetu Ochrony Dziennikarzy (CPJ) rok 2024 był najbardziej śmiercionośnym rokiem dla dziennikarzy. Liczba zabitych dziennikarzy stale rośnie od Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) Stock Could Gain 32% in 2021 2021 r. Dziennikarze mają do czynienia nie tylko z groźbami przemocy fizycznej.

– Wszystkie te zgony zostały spowodowane przez izraelskie wojsko, a większość zabitych to Palestyńczycy. Wolność prasy na całym świecie maleje, a praca dziennikarzy staje się coraz bardziej niebezpieczna. Atakowani i zagrożeni są także w USA i Europie. Ale nawet przodujące pod tym względem na świecie kraje skandynawskie nie są idealne. – Żaden kraj nie jest odporny na presję wywieraną na dziennikarzy, a my musimy pozostać czujni i skoncentrowani – powiedziała DW Ena Bavcic z Europejskiego Centrum Wolności Prasy i Mediów (ECPMF). – Ustawa nie obejmuje wszystkiego, nie obejmuje wszystkich problemów, z którymi borykają się dziennikarze.

Prowadząca podczas rozmów z ekspertami w danych dziedzinach będzie szukać rozwiązań problemów Polaków. Program ma być realizowany z udziałem widowni. Program “Cztery strony prasy” w nowej formule ma być nadawany od 4 stycznia. “Wydarzenia wieczorne”, o 21.50 w Polsat News i Wydarzeniach 24.

Od 16 marca program publicystyczny “Cztery strony prasy” będzie emitowany w sobotnie poranki. Dotychczas można go było oglądać w niedziele po “Śniadaniu Rymanowskiego w Polsat News i Interii”. Polsat News wprowadza zmiany w programie publicystycznym “Cztery strony prasy”. Jak ustalił “Presserwis”, zmieni on nazwę na “Salon prasowy Kutyny”, a jego prowadzącą zostanie Iwona Kutyna, która w grudniu powróciła do Polsatu. Z kolei Jarosław Gugała przestanie Dlaczego nie można ignorować kryptowalut i Blockchain prowadzić program “Prezydenci i premierzy”. Już 14 marca w Polsacie i Polsat News zadebiutuje nowy program Doroty Gawryluk – „Lepsza Polska”.

Zadebiutował w 2018 roku, zastąpił program „Pod pressją”. Od 16 marca program publicystyczny „Cztery strony prasy” będzie emitowany w sobotnie poranki. Dotychczas można go było oglądać w niedziele po „Śniadaniu Rymanowskiego w Polsat News i Interii”. W niedzielne przedpołudnie w studiu Polsatu News goszczą dziennikarze wiodących tytułów prasowych i internetowych. Dyskutują, komentują i oceniają najważniejsze wydarzenia minionego tygodnia. Naprzeciw siebie siądą dziennikarze różnych poglądów.

Dotychczas główną prowadzącą “Cztery strony prasy” była Joanna Wrześniewska-Sieger. Z naszych informacji wynika, że pozostaje ona w stacji i nadal będzie prowadziła Od 2000 roku odnotowano również tendencję wzrostową pod względem liczby uwięzionych dziennikarzy.


Французская L’Oreal продает часть акций Sanofi за 3 млрд евро

Я продублировал эту позицию в Робофорекс и комиссия за перенос позиции была меньше на 25%. Сделку закрыл в +69,61$, но еще раз отметил, что FxPro идеально подходит для внутридневной торговли. Примерно на эту же букмекерска контора лига ставок сумму снизились долгосрочные финансовые вложения. По данным технического анализа акции VNDA сейчас находятся за пределами средних значений, что делает их выгодными для покупки на уровне 10-11$ на среднесрочную и долгосрочную перспективы.

Список акций отрасли – Фармацевтика

  • Вся информация Информационного агентства AK&M, размещенная на сайте AKM.RU, предназначена исключительно для личного использования.
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  • В Костромской области работает завод «Ортат», который занимается выпуском высокотехнологичной упаковки и готовых лекарственных форм.
  • Для долгосрочного инвестирования рекомендую приобретать акции частями и следить за новостями.
  • В 2015 году на предприятие проведена модернизация в соответствии с международными требованиями.
  • Инвестирование в фармацевтические компании через ETF — это один из наиболее удобных и эффективных способов получения доступа к перспективной отрасли.

L’Oreal SA, одна из крупнейших компаний по производству парфюмерии и косметики, продаёт часть доли во французской фармацевтической компании Sanofi S. A. В рамках обратного выкупа на фоне 20% роста рыночных показателей Sanofi в 2024 году. tradeallcrypto Среди продукции есть косметические средства собственной разработки, а также БАДы. Фармацевтическая компания была названа лидером в 2021 году.

Продажи Lada в России в январе составили 20.8 тыс. автомобилей

В топ-10 попали семь фармацевтических предприятий, но объем торгов пяти из них находится на низком уровне. Данная фармацевтическая компания является лидером в производстве продуктов для здоровья животных, конкурируя с Elanco Animal Health. Последний раз Novabev отчитывалась по МСФО за шесть месяцев 2024 года. Тогда она показала выручку в размере ₽57,1 млрд (в первом полугодии 2023-го было ₽47,9 млрд). EBITDA компании почти не изменилась и составила ₽7,6 млрд.

Преимущества инвестирования в ETF на фармацевтические компании

Фармацевтические компании IsoRay и Kadmon Holdings лидируют по количеству набранных баллов – 99 и 98 соответственно. Тем не менее объем торгов акциями обеих компаний довольно низок, что делает их потенциально более волатильными, чем более крупные аналоги. IsoRay является важным игроком в сфере онкологии. Kadmon ориентирована на разработку препаратов для борьбы с аутоиммунными и фиброзными заболеваниями. Большое количество фармацевтических акций имеет высокий рейтинг относительной силы, который учитывает показатели акций за последние 12 месяцев.

Южнокорейская Mirae Asset Global намерена продать отель Hyatt Regency Waikiki за $650 млн

Если вы решили найти подходящую менеджмент финансовых рисков на форекс для инвестирования компанию, не забывайте оценить график динамики ее акций. Так что если у вас есть акции, попавшие под разгон, то сейчас можно смело зафиксировать прибыль по их некоторой части. 📉 Из-за чего столь бурный рост является необоснованным и в ближайшее время может так же быстро слиться. Кроме того, на этой неделе участники рынка ждут протокола декабрьского заседания ФРС, а также отчета о состоянии рынка труда США за прошлый месяц. Изучение рака и производство лекарств против него — это жизненно важное, но весьма дорогостоящее предприятие.

  • Составили подборку бумаг, отвечающих этим критериям.
  • В последние годы отечественная фармацевтика значительно продвинулась в развитии.
  • Данных денег достаточно для покрытия расходов на исследования и разработки и поддержания работы компании.
  • 📉 Из-за чего столь бурный рост является необоснованным и в ближайшее время может так же быстро слиться.
  • Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. не выплачивает дивиденды, направляя всю прибыль на исследования и разработки.
  • Многие успешные фармацевтические компании фокусируются на конкретных видах заболеваний и расстройств, поэтому они могут стать аналогом “палочки-выручалочки” для врачей, лечащих эти заболевания.

Ampio работает над лечением воспалительных заболеваний. Elite разрабатывает препараты, сдерживающие злоупотребление пациентами опиоидных средств. Milestone изучает сердечно-сосудистые заболевания.

По состоянию на закрытие торгов 3 февраля акции Zoetis продвинулись примерно на 4% от точки покупки в $130,30 за пределами плоской базы. Ниже расскажем про лучшие из лучших среди фармацевтических компаний по состоянию на февраль 2020 года. L’Oreal — французская компания по производству парфюмерии и косметики. Компания контролируется семьёй Бетанкур Мейерс (Bettencourt Meyers), которой принадлежат 35%. Штаб-квартира находится в коммуне Клиши-ла-Гаренн в пригороде Парижа (Франция).

🏥Витамин D: обзор лучших препаратов на 2025 год

Старейшая компания в России была основана в 1919 году и носила название «Фармацевтический завод № 10», которое, в дальнейшем, менялось неоднократно. В 1994 году после приватизации предприятие преобразовалось в ОАО «Нижфарм». Через два десятилетия почти 98% акций приобрел немецкий холдинг Stada. Компания внедрила международные стандарты качества на своих заводах в России Нижфарм и ООО «Хемофарм» (г. Обнинск). В Москве на стадии строительства находится завод «Р-Опра». На новом предприятии будут выпускаться лекарственные препараты для госпитального сектора.

В 2002-м она приобрела первый ликеро-водочный завод «Уссурийский бальзам», к 2006-му у группы были уже шесть ЛВЗ и четвертое место в России по производству крепкого алкоголя. В 2007 году группа купила водочный бренд «Белуга» и год спустя начала продвигать его на внешних рынках. В 2017-м «Белуга» дала название всей компании — Beluga Group. Сделка направлена на оптимизацию баланса L’Oreal после недавних сделок по приобретению активов и диверсификацию источников финансирования. В последние годы L’Oreal активно скупала акции компаний в косметическом секторе, включая приобретение производителя мыла Aesop за 2.6 млрд в 2023 году.

next issue WONKWEB

Field Work: An interview with Jenna Butler

Jenna Butler was born in Norwich, England in 1980, but has spent most of her life on the prairies of Western Canada.  Her work has garnered a number of awards, including the James Patrick Folinsbee Prize, and has been produced by the CBC. Her poetry has appeared a number of books, anthologies and periodicals.  Butler is the author of three short collections of poetry, Forcing Bloom, weather, and Winter Ballast, in addition to a new trade collection from NeWest Press, Aphelion.

Butler’s work will also be featured in the upcoming WONK7 and in person as she reads with fellow poet Glen Sorestad in Wetaskiwin on October 7. In anticipation of this occasion, WONK’s Jonathan Meakin talked to Jenna about poetry, publishing and the challenges of doing both in rural Alberta.

WONK: Writer, editor, publisher, scholar, instructor – clearly, there is much that keeps you busy. Do you see these roles as complementary and/or interrelated?

JB: Most definitely interrelated. I’m very fortunate to be able to teach within my discipline, creative writing; I’ve taught English for several years at high school and university levels, but there’s something about teaching creative writing specifically that allows me to bring the enthusiasm I feel, as a writer experimenting in her craft, to the classroom. I’m finding the teaching and practice of creative writing mutually enriching.

I’ll also happily admit to being what they call a professional student. I find I am most excited about teaching when I am concurrently learning something new. I’m very close to completing my PhD, and after I’ve given myself a bit of downtime following the defense, I’ve got some further courses picked out that I want to run with! (Nothing to do with literature; I want to spend some time learning about herbal medicine.) But I don’t think I could function quite right as a teacher if I wasn’t simultaneously being pushed as a student. I’m in that same actively engaged mindset (and I’m also more aware of the time stresses that students experience).

As an editor, I feel very privileged to have worked with a huge range of poets from around the world. That’s exposed me to a vast pool of very diverse writing, and just as that impacts the scope of the little poetry press I run, it’s certainly impacted me as a writer. It’s an honor to read such a variety of manuscripts. Yes, some aren’t quite as polished as they need to be, but there are a lot of gems out there, too. That’s reaffirming as both a writer and an editor. I love to encounter new work, as a poet, that absorbs and challenges me. If I have the chance to act as editor for such a collection, well, that’s the icing on the cake, and I get to have fantastic, in-depth discussions with poets whose work I really admire.

WONK: With three chapbooks (Forcing Bloom, weather, and Winter Ballast) already to your credit, your first trade collection, Aphelion, was published by NeWest this year. How have you enjoyed these different modes of publishing? Have the expectations – yours? the publishers? the literary community? – been different?

JB: I really love the chapbook format — the “taster” nature of it, the immediacy. You get to leave your readers (all going well!) wanting more. It’s a perfect format for learning how to refine a series, to polish and cut until the bones are where they need to be and there’s no unnecessary excess. There’s no room for poems that aren’t quite working with the rest of the series. In many ways, the chapbook experience was invaluable in the creation of the manuscript for NeWest; I was a great deal more aware of how tight I needed to make the collection and how I wanted to structure it. And the first book experience was amazing. That’s thanks in no small part to the folk at NeWest, who have been fabulous from day one. I’ve been really happy just to learn what I can as I go along, about both the publication and promotion processes, and to take up experiences and opportunities as they’re offered. For instance, I was absolutely honored to launch Aphelion with Robert Kroetsch, as he celebrated the launch of his latest collection Too Bad: Sketches Toward a Self-Portrait. I was also invited to read with the wonderful Bert Almon, and now there’s the WONK reading/launch with Glen Sorestad, another poet I have long read and admired. There have been these gifts all the way through the first book process. It’s been about staying open to experiences and being grateful for the support of the literary community around me.

WONK: You are also the founding editor of Rubicon Press. Do you view your work as a chapbook publisher as an expression of your artistic practice or something else entirely? (And feel free to trouble that easy recourse to an either/or binary.)

JB: Glad you said it, because I’m going to land squarely in the middle of the binary here. Part of what I founded Rubicon Press to do was to work with the poets I publish to create the books the poets had in mind when they wrote their respective manuscripts. We all do that — we all imagine how we’d like things laid out, images that have influenced our manuscripts, colours, textures, etc. I work with poets to make these ideas a reality. That can mean discussing the nitty-gritties of paper texture, colour, weight, font, ink type, etc. It can also mean working one-on-one with a photographer or artist who has donated images for the chapbook. So it’s not really all my own artistic practice. Sure, I bring my own ideas to the table, but it’s not about me.  I want to engage in a dialogue with the poets I work with, the back-and-forth of creating something meaningful together. There’s a great dynamic in that.

WONK: Although your family emigrated from England when you were a child, you have remained active in literary, academic, and publishing communities on both sides of the Atlantic. What fuels your efforts to maintain and deepen your connection to both Canada and England?

JB: Many things. As a small-press editor, there’s so much good poetry out there. There are a number of writers in Europe doing fabulous things, and I want to immerse myself in their work. Kathleen Jamie. Matthew Hollis. Denise Riley. So many more. I want to read additional work like theirs and eventually get into publishing more of it, if I can.

My time at the University of East Anglia, during the year my husband and I lived in Norwich while I was completing my MA, introduced me to a very supportive and innovative academic community. I didn’t want to lose touch with that UK community when I moved back home to Edmonton, and so I’ve striven to maintain contact in terms of taking part in both conferences and readings overseas. I’ll be back in England again in the spring.

I’ll always choose to live in Canada, though. I love the literary scene in Alberta; in Edmonton especially — it’s deeply supportive and encourages writers from a number of different genres and groups to get together and form community.

Finally, my husband and I run a small organic farm here in Alberta during the summers, and much of my writing comes down to a deep connection to the landscapes that ground me. I might live away from the people and places that are home to me for short periods of time, but I’ll never choose to move permanently.

WONK: Aphelion offers two groups of poems under the headings ‘Europe’ and ‘North America’. Would you like to comment on these groupings as a structural or thematic principle?

JB: Each section was written in the opposite place: I wrote the ‘North America’ section while living in Norwich and the ‘Europe’ section once I’d returned to Canada. I found the old saying true: it’s much easier to see clearly at a remove. Trying to write about a place while living in it didn’t work for me, but writing about it in absentia was very generative.

The poems in ‘North America’ are different from the ‘Europe’ section in both structure and content, though all the poems in the book, in some way, connect to the theme of finding/building home. The poems in ‘North America’ abstain from a recognizable rhyme scheme and flirt with breath and form — in particular, the anti-ghazal, à la Phyllis Webb. There’s a great receptivity in Canada to poetry that plays with form and sound, and the ‘North America’ section of the book reflects this openness.

In contrast, the ‘Europe’ section contains more internal rhyme, a gesture back to the centuries of literary tradition that ground poetry there. This section makes reference to Greek myth and legend and connects to the varied landscapes of Europe that I feel I am just beginning to know.

WONK: There are many resonant images and ideas throughout Aphelion. The close of “Salt Spring Island”, a poem dedicated to the memory of Lilo Berliner and Wilson Duff, still haunts me with its evocation of a paradoxical form of sight:

i begin to see you
less clearly     more truly

Does this perspective inform your recovery of the lives of women featured in your new sequence, “Lepidopterists”?

JB: Absolutely. So much of my writing is focused on the little-known story, the tale forgotten or buried. In “Salt Spring Island,” I am referring both to the way in which we oversimplify our perceptions of others, and the far too simple view of suicide as an unvoicing (Lilo Berliner killed herself by walking into the sea, but challenged this concept of suicide as silence by leaving her correspondence between her and her friend, a previous suicide, on Phyllis Webb’s doorstep). Thus, the oversimplified view as untrue, as too easy.

In “Lepidopterists,” I look at a number of women in Western Canada whose stories are either relatively little known by the general public or completely buried in time. During the writing process, the more I read and listened to the stories of these women, the more I realized that there were layers upon layers there in the telling. There were women whose traditional ways of life were being destroyed, whose entire sense of identity was being rewritten by an incoming patriarchal settler culture. There were immigrant women who were expected to create “home” for their husbands and families, but who struggled bitterly with what “home” meant when all property was in the man’s name and it was often the man who was acknowledged as having a deeper and more visible connection to the land he was working. So many paths, so many stories, overwriting each other, layering each other out.

WONK: I have the impression that considerable research in areas as diverse as botany, ecology, geology, entomology, etc. informs your work. Is this research a conscious activity? Or is it simply a matter of voracious reading and a hunger to understand and represent the physical, cultural, and political landscapes to which you are drawn coming together as an unconscious activity?

JB: It’s a bit of both. I read a lot, and widely, across a number of genres and subjects. I’ve loved being outdoors since I was a child, and between years of backcountry hiking, camping, gardening, and now the farm, I’ve devoured many hundreds of texts on diverse elements of the outdoors. My grandfather made his living as a gardener and a great deal of his interest in the outdoors rubbed off on me: the studies of botany and ecology are second nature. I’d been perking on the idea of writing something like the “Lepidopterists” series for years, ever since reading Nabokov’s Butterflies and beginning to understand how Nabokov perceived himself as a lepidopterist first and a writer second; as attached to the natural world first, and as a recorder of that connection second. So many of the stories in that book are tied to his own childhood in Russia — I began to imagine how that connection to lepidoptery and the sense of “opening a landscape” through the capture of specimens for study might be different on the Canadian prairies; might apply to women. And so there was research involved there to connect the different species of butterfly from the various prairie zones to the corresponding prairie women who lived approximately during the same era as each butterfly’s discovery. In that case, research came before writing — it had to, to correctly inform the poems.

WONK: Would you like to comment on your writing process?  Do you begin with quickly written rough hewn drafts? Or do you do other, more exploratory forms of writing as a way of finding your way in/through/around ideas or images you may be mulling over?

JB: My writing process is erratic. I can’t claim to be one of those disciplined few who sit down to write X number of minutes per day. Having written for years, I find that daily practice isn’t my rhythm, and I don’t produce work I want to keep that way. I spend a lot of time filling up on the things that drive me: being outdoors, working with my hands, listening to music, reading. And then, when I feel that I’m full up and can’t function without sitting down to write, I write. I have to. I make the time.

I always jump right into drafts, and — cardinal sin! — I only write on the computer. I save right over top of old drafts and keep on going. It drives writer friends crazy. But I am fascinated by the concept of writing the “I” out of my work, of creating poems that can stand on their own as literature without needing “me” in there to tell my singular story. If I use “I,” it tends to morph, to become less a definite identity and more an amalgamation of stories I’ve been told, people I’ve met, etc.  And so I write using a keyboard, not a pen and paper — I don’t even want to see my own handwriting when I’m drafting poetry.

Photography is, for me, a form of pre-writing, as is playing music. I noodle my way through ideas and images on the piano quite frequently before sitting down to write. I have synaesthesia, and so sound, colour, and shape are strongly connected to my writing.

WONK: Any reader of your work will likely note your references to Denise Riley. Would you like to discuss your influences and who you are reading now?

JB: Yes, Denise is a good friend and mentor. Until her recent retirement, she was also my PhD supervisor. I deeply respect her work, its layered, imagistic richness and the way in which it accretes, building upon previous works of literature. She is most definitely an influence.

I’m reading now — and always, in cycles — Phyllis Webb, especially the anti-ghazals in Water and Light. Di Brandt — Now You Care and So this is the world and here I am in it. Douglas Barbour, especially the breath ghazals in Breath Takes. Newlove, continually. And the work of my peers! I think there is a tendency to get caught up in experienced writers and to forget or be wary of the writers of one’s own generation. I’m reading Angela Carr and Angela Rawlings — brave, beautiful stuff, gorgeous breath work. Also Gregory Betts’ The Others Raisd in Me. I so respect what he’s done; the sense of play, the sheer scope of the (as he calls it) plunderverse.

And outside poetry! Always, for the balance. A reread of Brian Brett’s Trauma Farm, for the wry humour in it and the love of the land that resonates with me in my own feeling of walking our farm. C. J. Cherryh’s Regenesis; I adore tightly-written sci-fi. And, as of yesterday, Harvest, a new series of short plays by Ken Cameron. Brilliant stuff, and not just the way he’s captured farm life. But that’s darn good, too.

WONK: On October 7, 2010, you will be reading with Glen Sorestad in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Is it fair to say that poetry as a practice along with poets & poetry readers as communities are more often than not located in and focused on larger urban centres?  Organizations such as the League of Canadian Poets and the Writers’ Guild of Alberta, for example, have certainly facilitated live readings throughout Alberta, but those have been infrequent. What more can be done to bring poetry readings to rural Alberta? And what, in your view, are the benefits of poetry readings/performance in general?

JB: I think you’re right: generally, poetry events, communities, and readers are most often located in larger urban centres. I think this is a result of accessibility: most of the well-known poets on tour come to the larger cities, and the cities themselves often have greater budgets for hosting literary events.

There is funding available through the various granting, agencies, however, for hosting visiting poets in a wide variety of communities, and I think this is a great opportunity for rural communities or smaller centres to bring in guest writers.

I think the issue is mostly a question of forging connections within Alberta’s writing community. I know of friends, all poets, who have recently read in small towns across the province — just by virtue of knowing people in those particular communities and accepting invitations to come out and read. So connection is really key.

A great number of writers meet and connect through the League of Canadian Poets listserv; it might be neat to see if, at some point, a local listserv of Alberta writers could be created, which would allow for a more focused sense of community connection within the literary scene in this province. A number of writers use the Internet as a tool in their daily practice; it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to use something like a local listserv to discuss current writing issues and practice, inform writers of events or readings across the province, and act as a communication centre where writers can contact other writers to invite them to come into town for readings.

The benefits of poetry readings and performances in general are many and varied. I’m a big believer in poetry readings being an extension of poetic practice: it’s one thing to write the work and hope that people read it in book form and connect with it, but it’s another thing entirely to bring your own work, through a reading, off the page and to life for a roomful of people. We get so close to our own work that we lose the ability to see whether it’s effective or not. A reading in front of a roomful of people will provide that instant feedback; as a writer, you can sense if the audience is with you, is walking along with your words, or not.

And again, readings are a way for diverse communities to access and really forge connections with a writer. You can do a lot through technology to create connections, but being there in person to read, to mingle, to respond to questions? That’s key.

WONK: Thank you, Jenna.

— Interview by Jonathan Meakin